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Tag: Terra Futura

Totale: 5

Juan Somavia (ILO) - Social movements, the future of labour and our society

We are living in an era of great disquiet - protests emerge and need to become movements in order to create global consciousness, which then change policies and social models. In the last decades the womens' movement has had extraordinary influence; but in the world of work wages are still lower, participation in management and even in union leadership is very low. We need an accelerator here, with more participation and presence of women: the collective capacity of women to contribute to society is essential. Other movements have been around, from the human rights ... continua

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

TF 2010 - Intervista ad Alessandro Cascini

Terra Futura 2010 - Mostra convegno internazionale. Buone pratiche di Governo e d'impresa verso un futuro equo e sostenibile.Virginia Greco intervista Alessandro Cascini che ci illustra le caratteristiche di alcuni impianti miniolici e solari termici.

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

02) Costruire alleanze per una Terra Futura

Seconda sessioneLe alleanze sociali e politicheRelazione:Vandana Shiva, fondatrice Istituto Indipendente Research Foundation for Science, Tecnology and Ecology, Nuova DelhiIntervengono:Kevin Danaher, Global ExchangeWolfgang Sachs, Woppertal Insitut

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

01) Le Energie rinnovabili in Italia

L'inserimento nel paesaggio urbano ed extra-urbano.Come conciliare armoniosamente le tecnologie per utilizzare l'energia del sole con il paesaggio

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

Terrafutura 2008 Report

Terra Futura is a fair-meeting organized in a exhibition area, getting bigger and more articulate every year, and in a very high level program of cultural initiatives, meetings, seminars, workshop; and also laboratories and shows.Inaugurated for the common goal to guarantee a future for our planet – and to achieve it together –, Terra Futura’s cornerstones are the tasks and the "good practices" of social, economic and environmental sustainability, carried out in all fields, from daily life to social relations, from the economic system to the public ... continua